Order of St. Lucia
The highest honor bestowed by the Society, the Ancient Order recognizes individuals who have performed conspicuous, life-long service for or on behalf of military ophthalmology, and have achieved national or international prominence in the field of ophthalmology. The Ancient Order is reserved for an elite few whose careers have embodied the spirit, dignity, and sense of sacrifice and commitment epitomized by Saint Lucia. Award of the Honorable Order is not a prerequisite for receipt of the Ancient Order.
The Honorable Order of Saint Lucia recognizes those individuals who have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity and moral character; displayed an outstanding degree of professional competence; served military ophthalmology with selflessness; and contributed to the promotion of military ophthalmology in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipient’s seniors, subordinates, and peers alike. Examples of individuals who might be considered include specialty leaders, department chairs, directors of residency programs, or civilians who have had significant impact on military ophthalmology.
The Society of Saint Lucia recognizes any individual whose status is other than that aforementioned, and who otherwise meets the above criteria. Examples of individuals who might be considered include board certified military ophthalmologists, individuals who have contributed significantly to military ophthalmology, such as fellowship preceptors who have demonstrated commitment to military fellows, or non-ophthalmic academic, adjunct, or support faculty (e.g., neuro-ophthalmologists, pathologists, radiologists, etc). Non-physicians who have contributed to military ophthalmology may also be considered, including long-term departmental staff such as clinic nurses and NCOs, or laboratory directors who have been instrumental in resident teaching and maturation or advancement of military ophthalmology.
The purpose of the Order is to promote excellence, esprit de corps, and camaraderie among the members SMO.
Criteria for Membership into the Order of St. Lucia
Membership in the Order recognizes those individuals who have demonstrated the highest standards of integrity and moral character; displayed an outstanding degree of professional competence; contributed to the promotion of military ophthalmology in ways that stand out in the eyes of the recipient’s seniors, subordinates, and peers alike; and obtained the appropriate levels of medical education. Any Active Duty, Reserve Component, civilian or retired member of the ophthalmic community shall be eligible for induction into the Order. Any member in good standing of the Society of Military Ophthalmology may nominate persons. The approving authority for all awards is SMO President, upon recommendation by the Board of Governors. The president may approve, disapprove, or downgrade the nomination as s/he deems appropriate. There are three award levels: Ancient Oder of St. Lucia, Honorable Order of St. Lucia, and Society of St. Lucia. Click each award level on the left to learn more.
Membership in the Order is for life unless terminated or revoked earlier for an act that brings discredit to the Order. A member may petition the Board of Governors to terminate another’s award. Such a petition shall be submitted in writing and shall provide a justification for termination of the member and must be endorsed by at least two other members having knowledge of the infraction. The Board of Governors will consider the petition, and the President shall make final determination on all recommendations for revocation or termination.
SMO Junior and Senior Ophthalmologist of the Year Awards
Junior Ophthalmologist and Senior Ophthalmologist of the Year
Nominate one of your peers to be honored in each Service for the hard work they have done. Self-nominations will be allowed as some are located where they are the only ophthalmologist and we would like to ensure we don’t overlook your excellent work over the last year. These awards will be announced at our annual meeting.
AF Junior: Donovan Reed
AF Senior: Timothy Soeken
Army Junior: Wesley Brundrige
Army Senior: Samantha Rodgers
Navy Junior: Ryan Richmond
Navy Senior: James Zimmerman
SMO Junior: Matthew Cardinale, DO, USA
SMO Senior: Brittany Powell, MD, USN
AF Junior: Rachel Lieberman
AF Senior: Brett Davies
Army Junior: Lucas Groves
Army Senior: Travis Frazier
Navy Junior: Ian Uber
Navy Senior: Elizabeth Hofmeister
AF Junior: Karina Bostwick
AF Senior: Jon Ellis
Army Junior: Gary Legault
Army Senior: Michael Mines
Navy Junior: Brittany Powell
Navy Senior: Kyle Miller
AF Junior: Bill Gensheimer
AF Senior: David Simon
Army Junior: Bart Blackorby
Army Senior: Marcus Colyer
Navy Junior: Loretta Stein
Navy Senior: John Cason
AF Junior: Mike Parsons
AF Senior: Matt Caldwell
Army Junior: Ryan Roberts
Army Senior: Eric Weber
Navy Junior: Eva Chou
Navy Senior: Frank Bishop